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Here a few offers from our assortment:

Ice cream

0.60  euros   1 scoop ice cream
1.50  euros   3 scoops ice cream
1.70  euros   Milkshake (everything from the ice cream assortment)
Sundae (see menu)


from 1.30 euros   Soft Drinks
from 1.50 euros   Alcoholic Drinks
from 3.50 euros   Longdrinks
from 4.00 euros   Cocktails


 1.50 euros    small *
from 2.00 euros    large *
from 2.50 euros    maxi *

*  With extra sauce only 0.20 euros more
   With extra cheese only 0.50 euros more    
   Brown in the oven only 0.30 euros more


Prices for good sensations


1/4 h     5.00 euros   Wholesome cervical massages - blood circulation-supporting and vitalizing
1/2 h     9.50 euros  
1 h      22.00 euros

1/2 h   12.00 euros     relaxing back massage
1 h      20.00 euros  

1/4 h     8.00 euros     relaxing facial massage and scalp massage
1/2 h   14.00 euros   

1 h      35.00 euros     whole body aromatic oil massage - Compensatory and in harmony

1/4 h     9.00 euros     Anti-cellulite massage
1/2 h   14.50 euros
1 h      25.00 euros